God’s glory is seen through Jesus’ normality, but it is seen with a certain hiddenness. Like peering into a side view mirror while driving, Jesus’ humanity reminds us that God is closer than the object in the mirror appears.

Which means that God is closer to us than we might think, too; because we don’t have to be divine in order for God to love us. In fact, the only prerequisite for God’s love is that we are human.

We may want the spiritual without the fleshly; we may want the cosmic without the concrete. But if the Word is ever to be loved and shared, we must risk embodiment, which is always concrete and ordinary. There God is both perfectly hidden and perfectly revealed.

G.K. Chesterton, 20th century British author

God is Christ-like. Jesus is the authorized visual aid to understanding God. He, and he alone in his humanity, is capable of disclosing God to us. He can show us God, because he is God; He can show us to God, because he is human.

If we limit Christ by making him all God and not human, then he is incapable of identifying with us and his atoning sacrifice doesn’t actually atone for anything sinful humanity required a perfect human sacrifice to atone.

If we limit Christ by making him all human and not God, then his sacrifice was just a largely-ignored martyrdom, one of many in the Roman Empire.

Sinful humanity required God to get involved in our condition and deal with our sin. If Jesus wasn’t divine enough, then his death would have been the metaphysical equivalent of the naked guy running across center field at a Detroit Lions game, thinking he’s one of the players but really only playing the fool.

We only win if Jesus was God.