• 1. Look at the things you love and the things at which you excel.
  • 2. Combine identity (who you are), vocation (what you do), and passion (what you love)
  • 3. Remember that what you do matters less than what God’s Spirit does in you.
  • 4. “Is this God’s will?” is the wrong question. Instead ask, “Is this consistent with God’s will?”
  • 5. Listen to your own noble desires. Desire is the compass of vocation.
  • 6. God is using your dreams to call you into a better future.
  • 7. Find your secret hopes, and draw on them to energize and catalyze your ambition to heal the world.
  • 8. What you do flows from who you are. Define yourself as God’s, and your desires will be His, too.
  • 9. God’s love purifies our desires, so we ought to love God and do what we want.