Giving is an act of worship. But sometimes we legislate something best offered in love and get caught up on giving a certain percentage or a particular amount of money because “we’re supposed to.” Our giving becomes rote, and we obscure the relational aspect of giving and reduce it to an obligation. Yet generous, loving contribution is one of the primary ways we place obedience over ambition, selfishness, and greed.


In addition to our regular offerings, we should also consider asking God deeper, more engaging questions about how to steward our resources to honor him. Questions like:


Who can I bless?

How can I use what I have to help others experience God’s generosity?

In what new way can I cooperate with God to heal the world?

Is there a financial need in the life of someone I love that I could fix right now?


We want to always be looking for new ways to interact with God, so that we’re not only generous, but lovingly engaged also.


Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

Colossians 3.23