The last series at Westwinds, covering the book of Titus, was taught entirely in the Pecha Kucha format. Each talk was exactly 6:40 long, and used 20 slides shown for 20 seconds. It took a tremendous amount of work to write and find rhyming images. Here’s the last 60 seconds of the talk on intergenerational wisdom.

The church is one of the best places for this generational relationship to take place. One of the privileges of Christian community is the abundance of wise old souls. Churches will always have Godly counsel available, sometimes when we don’t even want it! When you invest yourself in the church you will find that God speaks to us most often through others who love him and serve him.

Not only are these relationships available in the church—they are needed! We need surrogate parents and grandparents to help raise our young. We also need the young to help the older integrate into the digital life. We need the wisdom from the old paired with the creativity of the young. We need the strength that comes from suffering to be paired with the enthusiasm that comes from not suffering yet.

If you are young, find mentors before you need them. Seek advice. Pursue maturity. Gain wisdom. Don’t be afraid to ask those who know, and don’t wait until you need help to decide whose counsel you will trust.

If you are old, then help young people learn how to bridle their creativity for innovative use. Show them friendship, romance, and family that can last for a lifetime.

Hold nothing back!