Boredom and hopelessness both stem from the same error: mistaking God for One who makes “all new things” instead of “making all things new.”


But once we understand Christ’s promise accurately, our relationships will be exonerated, our loves will be sanctified, our creative energies will be intensified and uninhibited by sickness or death or fatigue or ego. “Making all things new” means God takes what already exists and sweetens it, perfects it, and removes any strain or stain from it completely. Pastor-poet Eugene Peterson said it best when he taught that “Heaven will not give us anything other than what we already have…it will simply be more.” More of what? More of what we know and love and cherish and trust. More of all we desire in God.


The life we’re promised for eternity is the life we’ve got now, only better. It’s feasting and laughing and music and work without gluttony or stomach-ache, humiliation or mockery, exhaustion or futility.


Adapted from Why God Died