To Whom It May Concern:


I am writing this letter in hopes that someone will call to account that vagabond known as John the Baptizer.  His manner, his conduct, and his language are ill-fit for polite society.  All he does is criticize our spiritual leaders and we need someone to protect the faith.


Will you please do something about him?  The other day he threatened me, after I merely (and politely) told him to stop this nonsense, that the ‘winnowing fork’ (of all things) was at the ‘root of the tree’ and would soon ‘cut it down and throw it into the fire.’


Gentlemen, I have been an upstanding member of our community for some time and I will not tolerate such inconsideration and disrespect.  After all, my only aim here is to protect the good of our religion, and John spends all his time destroying it.



