Some Christians believe God wants them to be poor. Others think they simply are not righteous enough to be blessed financially by God. The truth is God wants us to experience prosperity so we can share our blessings with others.


Allegiance to God must penetrate the world of money. Believers can and should be called into positions of wealth, power, and influence. It is a spiritual calling to take leadership roles in government, education, and business. Some are called to make money—lots of money—for the glory of God and the larger public good. Others are called into positions of immense power and responsibility for the same purpose. Banks, department stores, factories, schools, and a thousand other institutions need the influence of Christian compassion and perspective.

Richard Foster


Give. Give faithfully. Give generously. Make an impact and be an influence of Christian compassion. Prosper, and prosper his kingdom.


Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!

Matthew 10.8