Ethics and Preferences
The Local Church: a study in ethics and preferences When it comes to the issue of Church, the make it or break it issue for every Christian is an understanding…
Ethics and Preferences, intro
A man is stranded on a deserted island. For seven years he’s been alone with palm trees and some sand. Finally a bi-plane flies over and the pilot notices the…
Artwork from Images of Atonement
I created this in the early days of my graphic design foray, but it’s still one of my favorites. It combines icons from early Christian tradition with the teaching we…
Jubilee expressed idealized hopes
The whole concept of Jubilee expressed certain values, certain ideals, certain hopes that placed value upon individuals. It placed value upon heritage and inheritance; it placed value upon family and…
Photorealistic Composites From The UnDwellable City
These are some of the comps my friend Ryan made for our storytelling project years ago. Ryan has been my friend for thirty years! He’s currently the youth pastor at…
Life and Times of Billy Ryman: Chapter 2
CHAPTER TWO: THE FARM Unfortunately, Sarah was terrible at farming. Her heart wasn’t in the field, but in the home. She was an old-fashioned kind of gal, and that…
Exaggeration and Irritation
Most Christians tend to think of sin and salvation as issues primarily, if not entirely, about eternity. The Bible does not. Neither does real life. Toil, struggles, power structures, hierarchies…
Now the seed of God is in us. The seed of a pear tree grows into a pear tree; the seed of a hazel tree grows into a hazel tree. The seed of God grows into God. Meister Eckhart, 14th C German 1heologian For He was made man that we might be made God; and He manifested Himself by a body that we might receive the idea of the Unseen Father; and He endured the insolence of men that we might inherit immortality. St. Athanasius, 3rd C Bishop of Alexandria My wife is a big fan of two special words. Other men have wives with special words – I love you, you are my honeybear, my sexypants, etc…Carmel’s special words are these: So what? So what if we’re idols of God? So what if we’re the prophetic antithesis to corrupt Mesopotamian imperialism? So what if we can dissect the qualities of the imago dei? So what does this mean in real life? In order for anyone to see God’s idol – to know that they are in the Kingdom God has created, that they are in the Presence of God – we have to clear away all of the stuff that keeps it hidden. That clearing away consists of persistent repentance and spiritual attentiveness. We must always be asking the…
Real Americans
Don’t let anyone fool you by acting like an umpire and trying to disqualify you for not looking holy enough. Such people will go on and on about the visions…
The Life and Times of Billy Ryman (a harmony of Christ’s parables) Chapter One
CHAPTER ONE: THE FIELD Billy and Sarah Ryman had been married almost a year before the adventure began. Having fallen in love at Sarah’s eighth-grade graduation, Billy proposed when…