Turning Hearts Around
The reverse-engineering of death was something Jesus often taught on, claiming that he came to turn dead hearts (hearts of stone) into living hearts (hearts of flesh). Jesus used this…
Witnessing and Evangelizing
The Spirit of God gives us both the desire and the ability to tell other people about Christ. This doesn’t mean we have to force feed people our religious beliefs….
Three Meanings of Heaven
The word Heaven refers to three different things in Scripture: Heaven is the sky or, more accurately, the heavens are the skies above the Earth. So, when the psalmist declares…
The Ascension was Christ’s coronation—the moment when he took his rightful place on Heaven’s throne. He is no longer the homeless rabbi, the upstart Galilean, or the fanatical preacher. He…
Kinds of Death
In the Bible, death means separation, not cessation. Did you catch that? The biblical writers didn’t believe your life ended—neither your consciousness, nor your existence—but that through death you were…
Resurrection Theology
All theology of the cross must include a theology of the resurrection, or else we have a theology that rids us of the problem of sin but does nothing to…
Fill The Earth
The first portion of God’s command was to “fill” the Earth. Adam and Eve were meant to make more adams and more eves. God made the first humans capable of…
Already and Not Yet
The ancient Jewish people believed that God would restore us to our original design and relationship with God, one another, and Creation. This New Creation would be signified by the…
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- Victors and Victims November 6, 2018
- 3 Hacks for Happiness October 29, 2018
- Hope Against Death September 20, 2018
- The Shape Of The Cross September 19, 2018
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