Heads & Tales: day 5
You can get what you want and still be disappointed. Herod had ambitious plans for Judea, but they required Rome’s resources. He needed military policing and protection. He needed money….
Heads & Tales: day 4
Herod made a deal with Rome. In exchange for his good governance of Judea, he looked to Caesar Augustus and Marc Antony to provide him with an identity, progress, and…
Heads & Tales: day 3
How many of us carry around our fathers? Sometimes we carry on their legacy. Sometimes we carry their burdens. Sometimes we drown in their sins. Sometimes we pay the penalty…
Heads & Tales: day 2
A brief history of the Jews in between testaments can be told succinctly in 7 episodes. ONE: Marginalization In both Mesopotamian Empires, and later with the Seleucids, the Jewish people were…
Heads & Tales: day 1
Every Christmas I find new ways to access the Nativity story. Last year I focused on the circumstances in Jesus’ family. He was born into his family’s ancestral home, but…
Upcoming Storytelling Project: the Revelation of June Paul
Last year’s success associated with The UnDwellable City has led us to move forward with a new storytelling project. More details will be released soon through our Westwinds’ community, but…
Burn, Baby, Burn
Revelation 21.22-22.7 “Heaven has gates? Just what kind of neighborhood is it in, anyway?” – Comedian Jim Gaffigan What if God is like the sun and sin is flammable? That’s…
Why the Boring Bits are Sometimes the Most Fun
Revelation 21.6-21 This section of The Revelation involves John tediously describing the dimensions of heaven’s walls, the names of heaven’s gates, and the materials used in the construction of heaven’s…
Revelation 21.1-5 God the Father speaks in verse 5 for only the second time in Revelation. From the Throne he calls out ‘behold—I make all things new.’ I’d like to…
The Sword of Shannara
Revelation 20.7-15 One of the first fantasy novels I read was ‘The Sword of Shannara’ by Terry Brooks. It’s now a classic, and it introduced me to the marvelous capabilities…
Key Questions
Revelation 19.11-21 In this section of The Revelation we’re treated to an image of the final battle and the defeat of the beast monsters. Jesus shows up on a white…