A Stupid World That Still Means Something
During the days of King Solomon in Jerusalem (c. 10th C BCE), Israel was the superpower of the Ancient Near East. But things went downhill fast for that country –…
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Pharisees and Sadducees colluded bringing Christ to see Pilate, Herod, Caiaphas—don’t deny us the justice of a man who must be cleansed for us. Please. Can’t you see? He’s…
Artists are prophets
In the Old Testament, the Levite priests served as mankind’s representative before God by prayer and sacrifice. Prophets, on the other hand, were God’s representatives to man. As God’s mouthpiece,…
How are we supposed to make a difference?
Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. Matthew 5.42 There’s a great episode in the HBO comedy…
Forgiving people who will never deserve it
Your life will be inescapably colored by the wrongs done to you and your response to them. We must decide now to never let evil define us, nor allow it…
Jesus and freedom from heroin
Tony was a heroin addict when I met him, fresh off the street, wandering into our church by chance (or, if I’m honest, by providence). He struggled with his addiction…
Playfulness (another word for love)
I confess: I’m a fairly impish person. I like to joke around. I like to prank. I like to get into trouble with the people around me. Iggy Pop called…
Victors and Victims
A victor acts a certain way and a victim another. Victors enjoy their spoils. They celebrate. They laugh. They throw parties. Victims diminish into the background, shy and reclusive for…
When I went to Turkey…
I just returned from an 8-day tour of biblical Turkey—a land replete with sites right out of the book of Acts. At times it felt like I was tripping over…
Conquering Fear
Conquer fear, do not be controlled by it We need never be afraid of monsters. Like actors on a stage they can change their shape and frighten children, but are…